Achieving True Decentralisation with Node Swapping

2 min readOct 18, 2023


Tagion promotes decentralisation through node swapping.

DLT technology promises decentralisation, but many systems remain centralised due to fixed node structures and permissions. To address this, Tagion employs a dynamic node swapping mechanism that enables a permissionless and truly decentralised network.

Node Pools: Balancing Scalability and Decentralisation

Tagion recognises that a network with a fixed set of nodes, while more decentralised than traditional systems, still falls short of true decentralisation.

To maintain scalability without compromising decentralisation, Tagion employs two key concepts: an active pool and a passive pool.

Tagion is made up of 2 pools: an active pool of constant size where consensus protocol takes place and a passive pool of dynamic size.

The active pool consists of a constant number of nodes participating in the Hashgraph consensus, while the passive pool dynamically adjusts in size to accommodate nodes joining or leaving the network. This setup allows for a permissionless way to join the network while preserving a degree of decentralisation.

Swapping: A Dynamic Shuffle of Nodes

Tagion’s network continuously shuffles nodes between the active and passive pools. At regular intervals, a random node from the active pool swaps places with a random node from the passive pool.

To ensure fairness, the system uses the Deterministic Random (UDR) choice agreed upon by the DART. While precise synchronisation is challenging due to network asynchronicity, this occasional discrepancy is minimal and short-lived.

Leaving the active pool is straightforward while joining involves referencing a foundation of events in the DART, allowing new nodes to quickly catch up.

A Permissionless System for True Decentralisation

Tagion’s dynamic node swapping prevents power from accumulating in a small set of nodes, continuously redistributing control. Combined with the two-pool structure, this mechanism makes Tagion a permissionless and fully decentralised system.

Nodes can join the network without seeking permission, ensuring that Tagion achieves the core principles of decentralisation that DLT technology originally set out to achieve.

In summary

Tagion’s innovative approach to decentralisation through dynamic node swapping offers a blueprint for DLT systems to realise true decentralisation while accommodating scalability.

By eliminating central points of control and opening the door for anyone to participate, Tagion takes a significant step toward the decentralised future that DLT enthusiasts have long envisioned.




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